I've never been one to keep taking pills. I took them to fix something, an infection, a hurting arm, neck pain etc. Then off them and on with life. So about 1.5 years ago my regular doctor and I made the decision it was time for me to hit the blood pressure medication. So that was my first pill I took every day. Then came the cancer and my oncologist had me start taking vitamins every day. I had never taken them before because Jenni is a great cook and I felt I had a balanced diet and didn't need any. I trust my oncologist so I followed his advise and the number of pills went to 4.
Then came my peripheral neuropathy and the number jumped to 5 at one time, one later in the day. He is also having me lose 20lbs and increasing my exercise. Jenni isn't happy about the 20lbs. She thinks I will be to skinny. But again I trust my oncologist so I'm complying.
After the PN pills I started feeling GREAT when I worked out. I increased my bike miles from 11 to 21 miles and increased my ave. speed from 13 to just below 16 mph. A much better workout. However; something new kicked in. I was very light headed, to the point that I couldn't stand but for a few min. after the workout. I always take my blood pressure at 30 min. post workout and it was getting down to 112/58. It is probably lower than that when I first get back. I guess that is just to low. I made the decision to not take my blood pressure medication before a big workout. I've tried that twice now and both times my blood pressure has stayed up and I've felt much better. It looks like a very simple fix. So the next question was, go off it completely? Well I took my blood pressure yesterday after about 2 hours post workout and it was 142/78. Still to high on the top number so I'll keep going on it, I'll just be careful before workouts.
Again, I would like to thank the other bloggers for their posts on managing their medications. It gave me the confidence to make the change and go with it. If their examples are any lesson, it's that I'm probably just starting down the road to managing my medications.
The body is sick, but thanks to Jesus the soul is alive and well...
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