It is spring here in Northern California and I like it. We are still getting some rain and wind but mixed in with that are sunny and 80+ degree days! The wild flowers are in full bloom,and me being a cyclist, I really get to enjoy it! We have lots of big open fields where I ride and there is no better time of year to ride by those fields. Nice and green and full of flowers. Things will turn brown much to soon but I will enjoy it as long as it lasts.
Jenni has also noticed my mood change. Mostly because of the medication for my PN. However; I think some of it is the nicer weather and being able to get out and ride. When I ride I can think, and I usually don't think "bad" when I'm on the bike. I normally feel strong and that helps me feel positive about my health and life in general.
I've also noticed a change in the bloger's postings lately, more positive and uplifting. I think spring has that effect on people. The clouds are going away, we can be outside doing things and the sun is bright, warm and inviting. It picks up the spirit and you really do think you can take on the world again.
I'm also watching a web cam of 3 new eaglets growing up in a nest. It's fun watching new life grow. It is a great use of the internet. Even 5 years ago you couldn't really watch something like that on a day to day basis. Just this week the chicks have gone from gray down feathers to more adult black feathers and are starting to stand up!
So we have new life all around us and it makes you understand that life is a cycle. It begins, grows, reproduces and then it is gone, all to start again the next spring. What a wonderful system God has created!
I hope everyone can enjoy this spring, even if it includes cockroaches..right Dan?
The body is sick, but thanks to Jesus the soul is alive and well...
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8 years ago
I sincerely hope you enjoy your Spring too, you are right it is a time to find strength again, to go forward refreshed. Our best wishes to you for the coming months.