Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Being Strong.. a new perspective

I have wrote here before about being strong. About fighting the good fight. About not letting this cancer beat me. I'm going to stay in control of it. Not the other way around. I truly believe that... However... I had 2 blog friends go to be with the Lord this week. Karyn and Hamada, people I have never met, but I have come to love and care about almost on a daily basis.

Karyn lived in Texas and Hamada lived in the United Kingdom. Both fought this cancer with all they had and so did their family.

It would be very easy to go through my list of blog friends and hit the delete button so I wouldn't have to deal with the "real Life" of this cancer. I could just do my thing and be strong and brave and be all into myself and my fight. But that isn't a strong thing to do. See; these are real people, just like me, and these are real family members, just like my family. This cancer isn't just something that is happening in my small world. I pray I never forget that! I need to keep these people in my thoughts and prayers each and every day. Knowing that those thoughts and prayers will came my way sooner or later.

I've said it before and I will say it again...cancer sucks!!!!! but, even with that being said it has helped me be a better person in a lot of ways. So by being strong and dealing with the reality of all this I will become more of the person I want to be, with Christ's help.

So... Karyn and Hamada, even though I never met you face to face, your lives touched mine in a very positive way. Rest now and enjoy your new life with Christ.

The body is sick, but thanks to Jesus the soul is alive and well...


  1. Steve...I believe we talked about this before but even if we haven't it is still just didn't get cancer for no reason my friend...God allowed you to have it to become stronger and to be there for those others that need you and your strength. We know God has plans for all of us...some roads are harder than got a tough one...but He also never gives us anything we can't handle. He could not give this cancer to me...I would not be able to handle it but He knows you can and in addition help others who need encouragement and hope. I am very proud to call you my friend...and I will be there for you if and when you need me. God Bless you Steven Ritter. Gary

  2. Dear Steven, Bless you for being strong and for not "hitting the delete button". I'm really sorry to hear about Karyn and Hamada and also feel that I knew them a bit. I believe that God cares for each of us, even the smallest sparrow. We will all cross over to the other side, and perhaps we'll have important work to do there too. But while we're "on this earthly plane" I believe our main job is to love one another. That is hard enough to do under ordinary circumstances, and I admire you very much for continuing to be honest and loving while battling this disease. Take care!

  3. I have been wondering about Karyn and her husband Greg and was saddened by the not-all-that-surprising news of her passing. If you are in contact with the family, please pass on my condolences as I was a follower of her blog and tried from time to time to offer up encouragement in her struggle. I will offer up prayers of thanks for her bright light that shined while it did and know that we all have benefitted from knowing her, even if only from a blog.

  4. Hello again Steven, just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas!
