Friday, September 7, 2012

The fight is over... But not the life..

A blog friend of mine Dan Patterson died of MM today.  I have never met this man in person or heard his voice on the phone.  However, I can't stopped crying.  He was one of the first people who reached out to me when I was first diagnosed with MM. Both of the first 2  supporters of me, when I was scared and knew nothing about what I was facing, have now passed on.

I'm truly grateful for all their support and kindness to a person they never knew,  They took time out of their lives and gave support to me.  They didn't have to do that but the people they were inside came out and shined through.

I hope that I can give back just a little of what they gave.  They were truly special people.

I think it is really important for me right now to do two things.

First, to thank the three people who became friends during the toughest times of their lives.

Karen, the first to help.. Rest and be there when I arrive. You showed me I could live with this and still live a happy and full life.

Dan,  a rock when I really needed one. He showed me how to fight and not feel sorry for myself. He always had a kind word and support when I really needed it.

Susie, who showed me the importance and value of care givers.  She showed me the importance of thanking, as often as I can, my wife, for the care and love she gives me through this!

Second, to thank the people who are supporting me now.

EZ and Linda... WOW.. what can I say.. Great brother and sister in the Lord who have made a difference time and time again in the last 2 years.  I can't tell you how much joy I get in reading your blog each day!  A fantastic man and a great wife who is helping him through this.  Add to that a great family and I have a fantastic picture of what is possible, even with the struggle of a crazy cancer like MM.  Linda, you also show me the blessing that I have in Jenni.  You and Jenni would be such good friends.  True women of God!

Nick, who showed me the true meaning of how to fight.  Prayers to you and keep showing me and others the reality of what it means to not give in.

Roobeedoo, Keep reminding me that it isn't just me going through this and to thank my care giver, Jenni my wife, as much as I can!  You're a rock but at the same time you show the true side of this cancer and what it does to families. Keep posting...

I know that I'm emotional and rambling but I don't care.  It is how I can deal with the sorrow of this great loss, to his family, to his friends, and in a special way, in my life.  It will be a little harder now to face some of the little things I complain about.  I won't be able to run to the computer to see a post from Dan bring me back to a reasonable perspective about my situation,  God speed to you Dan and thank you for all you have done for me.

From my perspective... You were a great man who can not be replaced!

The body is sick, but thanks to Jesus the soul is alive and well...

1 comment:

  1. Steven,
    Our heart goes out to you and all of those who have suffered a loss of a family member, friend or blog acquaintance. Having lost several blog-friends over the last few months, Linda and I can so sympathize with your loss. We have met many brave warriors during my clinic visits and also those we we blog with on the net. They all help us strive for a better understanding, more effective treatments and ultimately a cure for MM. At the same time we grieve when one of them loses the battle.
    Thank you for your kind words. We consider it a privilege to be considered a blog-friend of yours.
    Please take care my friend.
