For you that read my blog you know that I have problems with my legs. Peripheral neuropathy causes hot burning feet, legs that are weak and really don't want to work right. I also have what I call a skip. I call it that because they act like a skip on a CD. They are going well then, skip for a second or 2 and then back to working again. These things don't all happen at one time and isn't always bad. It seems to come and go for no reason. Some days I don't much know it is happening and some days, like today, it's bad. It is just a "bad" day.
Now on to the strange part... I know that I need to exercise and I'm a long distance cyclist. I'm getting ready for a couple of century rides. Because of my increased training I have noticed that even if I'm not walking right or my legs have that 200lbs each feeling, that I can hit the road and do a full ride, flat out like I didn't have Peripheral neuropathy! Today was no exception. My legs were giving me trouble all night last night. Painful, heavy feeling and I needed to keep them moving trying to find a comfortable position. As the day went on they didn't get better. So about 2:00 I hit the road, worried that I would be coming home soon. It wasn't the case. I got on the road and away I went. My legs felt great, I was flying up the hills, my speed was normal and I even passed another cyclist, always fun! Strange!!!
When I got home I dismounted and I really couldn't feel my feet. The stubs below my hips didn't seem connected and wow they didn't want to move! I had to grab the kitchen table to keep from falling! I went and took a hot bath hoping that would help but it didn't. As the day turned into evening they have continued down the "bad" path.
So I'm sitting here with my laptop on my lap. My legs hurt, are weak, don't want to work and I'm confused, and a little pissed off, as to why this happens. I could understand it if I had overdone my exercise or I could understand it if I couldn't exercise during my "bad" days. It seems like they have 2 different states, this bad state and their exercise state, and never the two shall meet. Yes, it is just a question waiting for an answer... I guess I will ask my oncologist next month.
But the silver lining is I know that even when they do this to me I can still go out and train!
The body is sick, but thanks to Jesus the soul is alive and well...
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